Mind Media publishes self-improvement, personality, IQ, self-help, and psychology software titles for DOS, Windows and Macintosh platforms. This page also includes on-line dream analysis and links to other sites. #
Prompt Enterprise provide tools and materials to help individuals acheive success. #
The Self-Esteem Educational Services offer information on methods to acquire positive self-esteem, empowerment, and relationship skills. Various books, tapes, articles, and E-mail questions are available. # This site is directed to individuals who are experiencing shyness, social anxiety, social phobias, or unstable relationships. #
Transformational Technologies specilize in personal-development seminars and on-line education in the areas of leadership, goal setting, and relationships. # The Free Advice BBS is a free on-line service dedicated to the free exchange of information and ideas, especially when it's done with a sense of humor and good taste. #
The Web of Addiction is an on-line source for alcohol and other drug abuse information and referral sources.